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Insert magazine, rack bolt, squeeze trigger, perfect!

Until…you go to pull the trigger a second time only to find out the next round has not fed from the magazine.

Is there anything more aggravating at the range? Whether you are in your backyard or in competition - the level of frustration is the same!

It's time to fix this issue with our SureFeed Magazine Follower Spring.


If you take a look at this video you can see how and why this feeding issue happens. There's no comparison between the factory spring on the left and the new SureFeed Magazine Follower Spring on the right.

MK IV Magazine Springs - 2 PackThe SureFeed Magazine Follower Spring for the Ruger MK IV is 25% stronger than the factory spring. The increased spring rate improves feeding in all Ruger MK IV magazines. The SureFeed Magazine Follower Spring will eliminate feeding issues caused by the round either being stuck or slow to feed from the magazine.

Slow fire, rapid fire and anything in between - this spring will make a difference!

Available in both a 2-Pack and 5-pack.

Place your order today and watch your frustrations disappear!

Please note this issue is more prevalent dependent on ammo type.

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