Let's Head Outside This Weekend!

"I'll always be the man that loves you the most."
As the lyrics of this song kept playing in the car as I drove to work last Friday, my mind started to drift elsewhere. I don't know if it was the combination of my daughter being a senior, Father's Day fast approaching, or if the lyrics just hit me at the right time but the tears started to flow.
I decided to spend a few minutes in the car reflecting on what being a Dad really is and how blessed I am with three amazing kids. Memories started flowing as I reflected and those tears turned to smiles and I was ready to get to work as I had a weekend of fun planned with the family.
Is it just me or does it seem more father-son or father-daughter memories are made in the outdoors? It could be hunting, camping, hiking, shooting, fishing, boating, a combination of those or something completely different. The one thing I becomes more clear to me as I get older is the memories that are made, the stories that are retold, often come from time spent outdoors!

I remember as a kid getting to go on hunting trips with Dad. It didn't matter where we were going or what the actual hunt was it was the fact that I got to go with the "guys" and I will never forget some of those trips.
The daily stressors that seem to be a part of daily life seem to evaporate during this time. For me, the urge to check my phone, respond to that email, or make that call are replaced with being present with my family. There's nothing in the world that can replace that!
One thing that I learned with my kids is that I needed to find activities that we all enjoyed rather than force feeding them what I enjoyed. It didn't take long to realize that the time spent with family far surpassed the actual event that was taking place.
It's easy to say "we can do that next weekend or next month" but this Father's Day I encourage you to take the time and I can almost guarantee you won't regret it. I had to be proactive in making the time for this otherwise before I know it another Father's Day has rolled around and I think to myself "where has the year gone."
Committed to Building it Better,