Exact Edge Extractor for Remington 870 and 1100

The Exact Edge Extractor is manufactured through an EDM process (not an inferior MIM process) to produce exacting tolerances. The new extractor will not lose its edge under impact like extractors made from stamped steel that will have their edges roll over and actually cause extraction problems after a short period of use.
Our extractor features a very precise hook point. It is hardened to a Rc 58-60 to withstand years of use and still maintain its edge. We are able to hold the tolerances to +/-0.0001" by utilizing the EDM manufacturing process. Made of A2 tool steel.
Replaces Remington part #16176 and fits 870, 12, 20 and 1100, 12, 20.
$28 Add to Cart
- Made in the USA