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battleworn scorpion 1911 4.5", left
battleworn scorpion 1911 4.5", left
USA Flag Scorpion with fiber optic sights

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The Volquartsen Scorpion is a premium target pistol designed for ultimate accuracy and performance. It combines a lightweightVF Target Frame with a match-grade Scorpion LLV Competition Pistol Upper for Ruger MKII/MKIII.

Key Features:

  • Lightweight: The Scorpion is remarkably light, making it easy to handle and maneuver for competitive shooting.
  • Match Grade Accuracy: The combination of a Volquartsen barrel and target upper delivers exceptional precision.
  • Multiple Barrel Lengths: Choose between a 3", 4.5", or 6" barrel to fit your shooting style and preferences.
  • Customizable: Several options are available, including sights, grips, and compensators, allowing you to tailor the Scorpion to your specific needs.

Whether you're a seasoned competitor or an aspiring marksman, the Volquartsen Scorpion will help you elevate your game.


  • 3", 4.5", or 6" barrel length available
  • Stainless steel barrel
  • Made in the USA
  • This item must ship to an FFL dealer.

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Complete installation instructions are available online

6 inches

Scorpion Scorpion, 1911 Style, Hogue Grips, Black, 6 ", Comp, Fiber Optic Front/Target Rear [VC45SN‑B‑6‑C‑W]
$1,585 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Scorpion X, 6" Scorpion-X, 6" [VC3SN‑0540]
$1,453 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Scorpion Scorpion, 6", 1911 Style Frame, Fiber Optic Front with Target Rear, Hogue Grips [VC45SN‑L]
$1,482 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Scorpion Scorpion, 1911 Style, Black, 6", Hogue Grips, Target Sights [VC45SN‑B‑6‑H‑TS]
$1,458 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Scorpion with Panel Grips Scorpion, 1911 Style, Black, 6", Brown Panel Grips, Target Sights [VC45SN‑6‑B‑TS‑BP]
$1,519 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Scorpion with volthane grips Scorpion 6", Target 22 Style, Volthane Grips, Comp, Fiber Optic Front/Target Rear [VC3SN‑B‑6‑VG‑C‑HV]
$1,591 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Scorpion Scorpion 6", Target 22 Style Frame [VC3SN‑L]
$1,488 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
6" Scorpion with Brown/Gray Grips Scorpion, 6", Target Style 22, Brown/Gray Laminated Grips, Target Sights [VC3SN‑0383]
$1,591 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
USA Flag Scorpion with fiber optic sights American Flag Scorpion, 6" [VC3SN‑0456]
$1,911 Add to Cart - In Stock Now! More info
Battleworn Scorpion 1911 6", left Scorpion, Battleworn, 6" Upper with 1911 Style Target Frame, Fiber Optic Sight [VC45SN‑6‑HBW]
$1,875 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info

4.5 inches

4.5" Scorpion X Scorpion-X, 4.5" [VC3SN‑0541]
$1,453 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Green Scorpion with Rail OD Green Scorpion, 4.5" [VC45SN‑OD‑4]
$1,640 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
VC3SN-0295_update_01 Scorpion, 4.5", Target 22 Style Frame, Comp, Volthane Grips, Fiber Optic Front Sight [VC3SN‑0295]
$1,591 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
USA Flag Scorpion with fiber optic sights American Flag Scorpion, 4.5" [VC3SN‑0455]
$1,911 Add to Cart - In Stock Now! More info
battleworn scorpion 1911 4.5", left Scorpion, Battleworn, 4.5" Upper, 1911 Style Target Frame and Fiber Optic Front Sight [VC45SN‑4‑HBW]
$1,875 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info

3 inches

Mini Scorpion-X Mini Scorpion-X, Comp [VC3SN‑0628]
$1,453 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Mini Scorpion-X LLV for Ruger MKII/MKIII, 3" Mini Scorpion-X [VC3SN‑0644]
$1,350 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info
Mini Scorpion Mini Scorpion [VC3SN‑0590]
$1,482 Add to Cart (Build to Order) More info

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