by Chad Wittrock
Our NEW Tungsten Mini Mamba is available now!
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by Chad Wittrock
As the number of models available from Ruger increases, so does the number of questions we receive on whether or not our kit fits.
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by Chad Wittrock
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by Chad Wittrock
We're excited to offer this limited release of orange TG2000s.
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by Chad Wittrock
Here's your chance to upgrade to our pistol Competition Bolt at a discounted price!
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by Chad Wittrock
Make magazine changes a breeze with our Rapid Release for our TG2000 and TGS trigger groups!
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by Chad Wittrock
Improve the trigger pull on your 10/22! Our HP Action Kit is the ultimate high-performance upgrade for your factory 10/22 trigger group. This kit will reduce the trigger pull of your 10/22™ down to between 2 and 2.25 lbs!
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by Chad Wittrock
Are you looking to improve the performance of your Ruger 10/22 and add a little flare? The Competition Bolt for the Ruger 10/22 in a gold finish is what you've been looking for!
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by Chad Wittrock
As we prepare for 2024, our 50th year in business, I've been spending a lot of time looking back at what we have done right, where we have failed, and most importantly, how we can use this to improve moving forward.
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by Chad Wittrock
They say if you’re born in America, you’ve won the lottery of life. One quick look around the world — and even a trip to Canada or Europe—confirms this is true.
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